Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Marco Rubio Backfills On Sodomarriage

by JASmius

Anybody else notice this now-established passive-aggressive pattern of the retiring Florida senator on "controversial" issues?  When asked two weeks ago the stupid-ass retroquestion of whether he'd have invaded Iraq in President George W. Bush's place "knowing what we know now" (which isn't true in any case), Senator Rubio dutifully chirped, "Sir!  No!  Sir!"  Then, a little over a week later, it's like I performed a Vulcan mind meld on the man, and he's giving Chris Wallace the answer I've been bellowing at the top of my lungs for the past fortnight.  It's almost like he's a wet-behind-the-ears rookie or something, making rookie mistakes he has to keep going back and correcting.

Now he's doing it on sodomarriage.

Six weeks ago, Senator Rubio, when asked if he would attend a queer "wedding," answered, "Sir!  Yes!  Sir!"  Then, doubling down on that, a few days later he trial-ballooned the totally unsubstantiated assertion that homosexuality was not a choice, but that those who "burn for others" of the same gender are "born that way".  Both of these gaffes were completely unnecessary and futile panders, unforced errors that will gain him nothing with center-left voters who'll never get the chance to vote against him anyway because they also (further) pissed off the Republican voters he needs to win the nomination in the first place.

And, again, it's like my mind reached out during REM sleep like Charles Xavier's and re-sequenced the young senator's memory engrams, because while he didn't go so far as to correct his previous mistakes on this issue, he did point out where the Lavender jihad is headed:

Today, his deep faith drives public policy positions on social issues such as traditional marriage.

Knock wood.

"If you think about it, we are at the water's edge of the argument that mainstream Christian teaching is hate speech," Rubio told CBN News. "Because today we've reached the point in our society where if you do not support same-sex marriage you are labeled a homophobe and a hater."

Oh, we reached that point a long time ago, Marco.

"So what's the next step after that?" he asked.

"After they are done going after individuals, the next step is to argue that the teachings of mainstream Christianity, the catechism of the Catholic Church is hate speech and there's a real and present danger," he warned.

Indeed, there is.  That was the plan all along, and it's nearing irretrievable fruition.

From the standpoint of Senator Rubio's presidential ambitions, pointing out this self-evident fact accomplishes two things: (1) It attempts to not so much make amends with the evangelical voters he enraged with his earlier pro-homo compromises and panders but distract us from them, and (2) it utterly begs the question of what in blazes he was doing burbling those pro-homo compromises and panders knowing they were aiding and abetting the militant "gay" endgame of which he warns now.

As Agent K said to Agent J at the end of Men In Black II....

...."still a rookie".

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