Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Obama To Force Media To Stop Posting ‘Anti-Jihad Articles’

by JASmius

See, this is why we don't have to make up anything about Barack Hussein Obama's galloping tyranny, because he always beats us to it with his real-life despotic actions:

Barack Obama has a moral responsibility to push back on the nation’s journalism community when it is planning to publish anti-jihadi articles that might cause a jihadi attack against the nation’s defenses forces, the White House’s press secretary said January 12th.

Picture the late Tony Snow stepping up to the podium for the daily White House press briefing eight years ago and announcing, "President Bush has a moral responsibility to push back on the nation's journalism community when it is planning to publish classified information about the War on Terror that will aid and abet jihadist attacks against the nation's defense forces".  Care to take a stab at what the media's reaction to that little declaration would have been?

A declaration that was actually never made, or even contemplated.

“The president … will not now be shy about expressing a view or taking the steps that are necessary to try to advocate for the safety and security of our men and women in uniform” whenever journalists’ work may provoke jihadist attacks, spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters at the White House’s daily briefing.

So he's eviscerating the First Amendment - and he thinks he can do that, since it's only Congress that is forbidden from "abridging the freedom of....the press" - "for the troops" whose job it is to defend it, which will only actually benefit the jihadists who hate it as much as O does.  A rather nifty bit of propaganda legerdemain, that.

The irony being, of course, that the Obamedia doesn't publish "anti-jihad" stories, so I'm guessing this missive is directed primarily at Fox News and talk radio.

The unprecedented reversal of Americans’ civil-military relations, and of the president’s duty to protect the First Amendment, was pushed by Earnest as he tried to excuse the administration’s opposition in 2012 to the publication of anti-jihadi cartoons by the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

The White House voiced its objections in 2012 after the magazine’s office were burned by jihadis, followings its publication of anti-jihadi cartoons.

Earnest’s defense of the 2012 objections came just five days after the magazine’s office was attacked by additional jihadis. Eight journalists, two policeman and a visitor were murdered by two French-born Muslims who objected to the magazine’s criticism of Islam’s final prophet.

One must justifiably ask what the fundamental difference is between the Charlie Hebdo jihadists and the Obama White House other than that the latter still maintains some dwindling level of concern for its public image.  Will The One spy on non-complaint reporters, a la its Associated Press scandal?  Will he tap their phones, a la Fox News's James Rosen?  Will he hack their computers, a la former CBS journalist Sheryl Attkisson?  Will he sic the IRS on them, a la the Tea Party?  Will he sic his jihadist allies on them to be "Charlie Hebdo'd"?  Or will they just start mysteriously "disappearing"?

See how all these precedents have been set, gentles?  The dictator has a veritable smorgasbord of free speech-suppressing options, so that nobody will ever see stories like the Islamic murder of Anjali Devi:

She was a Hindu, living in Muslim-majority Bangladesh, an honored teacher of nursing at a medical college, a nurse who was concerned with proper hygiene for nurses.

But the Islamist group Jamayat-e-Islami had issued a fatwa demanding that nurses wear hijab. By definition, doing so increases the risk of a nurse carrying a disease from one patient to another and violates operating room procedures. Bangladeshi daily newspaper the Independent reports that police are refusing to officially tie the attack to the group—“We are not pretty sure who the real assassin is, and the motive behind it (murder) is not clear yet.”—but witnesses noted Devi’s opposition to the hijab as the most likely reason for the murder.

When it comes to adhering to Sharia law, Islamists in southeast and central Asia do not care about hygiene. They view this as tainted Western medicine, which dares defy Allah’s will. In 2012, 2013, and 2014, aid workers were murdered for attempting to administer polio vaccines in neighboring Pakistan.

This is the organization that was accused of having committed war crimes during the liberation of Bangladesh. In 2011, the International Crimes Tribunal charged their leaders, in absentia, with genocide, rape, abduction, confinement, and torture. The party was ruled “illegal.” Nevertheless, the student organization remains and is known for extortion, violence, and terrorism. There is a student group that is active at Chittagong College.

I suppose I've just broken Obamunist law by posting the above quote.  Because we're not supposed to see the truth about Islamic Fundamentalism.  We're not supposed to see or know or believe that Quranic Islam is an intolerant, aggressive, violent, imperialistic, primitive, demonic death cult with openly proclaimed goals of dominating and enslaving the entire planet.  Oh, heavens, no.  We're only supposed to read and see and hear that Islam is "the" - not "a", but "the" - "religion of peace".  Because any other party line might "provoke" jihadist attacks.

Or maybe the White House fears that it might once again mobilize the American people to demand a return to war against jihadist groups and sponsoring Muslim nations, one that they have no intention of ever fighting, to the distended extent of suppressing anything but pro-Islamic domestic propaganda.

But again, I'm baffled as to what outlawed "anti-jihad" stories his infernal majesty is referring.  His media poodles are almost nauseatingly domesticated:

CNN’s Chris Cuomo openly promised Tuesday that CNN will help the White House in a “shame campaign” to get Congress to act on education. During an interview with Obama’s [Commissar] of Education, Arne Duncan, Cuomo also promised to use the show he co-hosts, “New Day,” in this shaming campaign.

“[Comrade], my only advice for you is that you should go on a shame campaign with congress to get them to act,” Cuomo said. “New Day will help. CNN will help.”

The exchange in question centered on the White House proposal to use the federal government to force taxpayers to pay for two years of “free” community college. It would be unfair, though, to assume that Cuomo’s pledge centered on Obama’s push for free community college. Cuomo appears to be referring in general to Congress acting on education.

Just as I am utterly confident that CNN will help with the banning of any objective coverage of Islamic Fundamentalists and their unholy war against America and the West.  All in the name of "fighting Islamophobia," of course.

Hell, I wouldn't put it past them to depict The One's crushing of press freedom as a heroic defense of it.

I'm sure it must be in the Qu'ran somewhere.

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