Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Holder DOJ To....Clear Officer Darren Wilson?

by JASmius

First the NFC Championship Game, now this.  It really is a week for miracles.

I take it for granted that it wasn't for lack of trying:

The Justice Department has begun work on a legal memo recommending no civil rights charges against a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, who killed an unarmed black teenager in August, law enforcement officials said.

That would close the politically charged case in the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown. The investigation by the F.B.I., which is complete, found no evidence to support civil rights charges against the officer, Darren Wilson, the officials said. [emphases added]

That, of course, isn't the miracle.  The FBI found exactly what the St. Louis grand jury found: that Michael Brown was the aggressor, was trying to kill Officer Wilson, came damned close to grabbing away his gun and doing it, and Wilson shot Brown in self-defense.  His hands weren't up, he never said, "Don't shoot," Officer Wilson wasn't "hunting [N-word]s".  The Narrative the Ferguson Insurrectionists have been insisting is gospel truth for the past six months had been a dirty, filthy, racist lie.  And now even the Obama/Holder Commissariat of Injustice, Revenge & Coverup has had to (very quietly) admit it.

And that IS the miracle.  They're expecting us to believe that they couldn't have just made something up anyway?  Since when do facts, or evidence, or, you know, actual justice matter to these people?  It's all about "social justice" to them, and "social justice" demanded Darren Wilson's severed head on a spike and his decapitated torso dangling from a tree, doused in pitch, and set aflame.  But instead, after all that sound and fury, the interminably-outgoing Reichsfuhrer ends the vaunted "civil rights" investigation not with a bang, but a whimper?  How does this even keep the Obama Race War going?  How will the Black Klan take the news?  Or is the White House figuring that #BlackLivesMatter has so much belligerent momentum of its own by now that it'll keep right on burning down one town after another, completely heedless and even forgetful of the incident, now settled in "whitey's" favor - which technically makes Obama and Holder "oreos," and that's literally true in O's case - that gave rise to their "movement" to begin with?

Of course, given the deranged direction in which that "movement" is going, it really might not be long before they're marching on the White House, hanging and burning Red Barry and Eric "The Red" in effigy.  I hope somebody sells tickets, and cuts me in on a percentage for coming up with the idea.  My financial worries would be over.

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