Friday, December 12, 2014

"Rape Culture"? Nope. "Smear Culture"? You Betcha

by JASmius

Let's leave aside for now the matter of why the Left purports to be crusaders against sexual assault while their bosom allies the Islamic Fundamentalists are the most egregious purveyors of "rape culture" imaginable.  Why?  Because we know why, and it's the same reason they advance for how it can possibly be possible that blacks "can't" be racist but all whites are racist by definition: Muslims are considered "victims of the white man," just like African-Americans, and so there can be nothing wrong with or about them, and every sin, every atrocity, that they commit is both automatically excused and blamed on whitey.  Consequently, the sexism angle never enters the equation.

Put another way, the Left only looks for "rape culture" where they wish to find it.  And if they do not find it where they want to look, they just pretend it's there anyway, because that's the propaganda narrative they want to advance.

Rolling Stone magazine enthusiastically and recklessly published its "A Rape On Campus" story because it was just too good to check, too good to verify, too good to even edit.  A woman is allegedly (a RS did not use) gang-raped at a frat at the University of Virginia?  Nobody believed her or gave a damn, not even her friends?  UVa ran interference for the gang-rapists?  Here was the perfect "rape culture" story.  It had everything, every "rape culture" angle imaginable, including that the gang-rapists were a fraternity because everybody knows that college fraternities are all white Republicans - the very same common thread that runs through Lena Dunham's Not That Kind Of Girl ode to character assassination.

And now both stories have collapsed, been proven to be slanderous lies, and its purveyors are in big-time legal trouble.

But would you believe that actual statistics regarding on-campus sexual assault not only do not corroborate the Left's "rape culture" meme, but roaringly debunk it?:

The full study, which was published by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, a division within DOJ, found that rather than one in five female college students becoming victims of sexual assault, the actual rate is 6.1 per 1,000 students, or 0.61% (instead of 1-in-5, the real number is 0.03-in-5). For non-students, the rate of sexual assault is 7.6 per 1,000 people. [emphases added]

Or, put another way, Rolling Stone and Lena Dunham were only exaggerating campus "rape culture" by a factor of 32.79.

The higher rate of victimization among non-students is important due in large part to recent accusations that U.S. colleges and universities are hotbeds of so-called “rape culture,” where sexual assault is endemic, and administrators and other students are happy to look the other way. The bogus “1 in 5″ statistic, which was the product of a highly suspect survey of only two universities and which paid respondents for their answers, has been repeatedly used as evidence of this pervasive rape culture on college campuses across the country. [emphases added]

That "survey" wanted "rape culture"-bolstering results, and they did whatever they had to do to get them.

But really, if 20% of all college women were raped on a regular basis, don't you think that would have been front page news a lot sooner than now?  To keep a lid on that all the victims would have had to be in on the conspiracy of silence.  The whole thing is and always was preposterous.

But then that goes to show the emptiness, bankruptcy, and extraneousness of feminism, just like the Ferguson Insurrection illustrates the same condition of the so-called "civil rights" crowd.  Originally, they had legitimate and existent causes for which to fight; but the goals of these movements were long ago attained, leaving their leaders and advocates out of jobs, revenue streams, and political influence unless they could "keep their balls rolling".  So they kept inventing new goals and new enemies, until now they have to make them up out of proverbial whole cloth and destroy innocent people's reputations and lives.

In short, feminists and the Black Klan have become that against which they originally fought: sexists and racists, only propelled by a huge dollop of moral supremacism, which makes them more virulent and dangerous than "white males" ever were.

Which is why there must be pushback, and the sooner and stronger, the better.

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