Thursday, November 20, 2014

Senate Democrats Regarding Upcoming Obama Immigration Executive Order

By Douglas V. Gibbs

On C-Span, today, the Democrats of the United States Senate got together to discuss tonight's Obama Immigration Amnesty Executive Order Speech.  Harry Reid was on camera, and I am sure he had much to say, or had already said it.  I mostly caught Chuck Schumer's blithering, and a female Senator I did not recognize that took the microphone after him.  After she began to speak, I could not take much more of their insanity, and switched off the television.

Schumer essentially revealed that tonight's Obama speech was designed to announce a unilateral, unconstitutional executive order granting amnesty, or that the President was going to make that threat if the Congress does not come up with its own plan he is willing to sign.  Like all other Democrats, Schumer considers Congress broken because the Republicans dare to stand against the unconstitutional demands of the liberal left progressives, and their grant ruler, the tyrant in the White House.  Schumer's advice, was, that if the GOP does not want the President to act on his own, come up with a plan.  That's the way to stop it, he explained, likely referring to the Republican Party's willingness to use the court system to go after the President - an action that includes threats of a lawsuit for the President's unconstitutional actions regarding immigration by Rick Perry, the governor of the State of Texas.

Did you hear that?  If you want to keep the President from forcefully, illegally, tyrannically taking what he wants without allowing a peep out of Congress regarding the issue, the solution is to give him what he wants.  Give him what he is willing to take unlawfully, if you want him not to act unlawfully.

That borders on extortion.

The female Senator that followed Schumer behind the microphone began by calling the current immigration policies "cruel and unfair."

Existing laws are adequate, and are designed to protect the receiving population from the dangers that may exist among unscreened immigrants.  Our immigration laws, if the immigrant does not walk across the border, but goes through the procedures in place, screen the applicants to ensure they are not carrying infectious disease, do not have a criminal record, and are not members of terrorist groups, or other organizations, that are considered enemies of the United States.  That is hardly cruel, unfair, or racist.  The laws are in place to ensure the receiving population is protected, a reasonable request by a population that has been threatened by terrorism, and is currently experiencing a rise in infectious diseases that were all but gone prior to the latest illegal immigration push encouraged by the lawless President residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Illegal entry into the United State is unlawful (hence, the word "illegal") and should not be rewarded.  To reward entry with amnesty, or continuing to give the illegal aliens "free stuff" paid for by public funds, not only will not curb the problem, but will intensify it.

The common comeback by those that support amnesty to someone like me who supports deporting illegal aliens, and tightening enforcement of existing laws, rather than fall into the flawed argument that our immigration system needs to be reformed, is "so are you going to just round up and deport the millions of 'undocumented immigrants' in this nation?"

First of all, we don't need to round up the 40 million lawbreakers that have crossed the border with complete disdain for our laws.  Stop giving them free stuff, secure the border, and enforce existing laws with the assistance of law enforcement, and the flow will dwindle to a trickle, and the illegals in this country will deport themselves because the flow of free stuff has stopped.

As for the idea we are not capable of finding the people "living in the shadows," much less deport them, that is a flawed argument.  When mad cow disease was moving through herds, we were able to figure out what cows were infected, and eventually found the original "patient zero."  Yet we can't find illegal aliens?

The fence is even an easier problem to fix.  Build it, and increase enforcement.  If we can send a man to the Moon, send a probe to Mars, and create a nationwide cellular network, we can build a dang fence.

While the liberal left Democrats are trying to focus everyone's attention on the premise of "these poor people," they have distracted the attention of Americans from the national security angle of this issue, and away from the fact that regardless of if you think something is right or wrong morally, the laws in place do not allow for amnesty, sanctuary cities, welfare to illegal aliens, or unconstitutional actions by a President illegally expanding the scope and power of the Office of President in ways no other President before him ever attempted (including George W. Bush, of which the Democrats during Bush's presidency accused Dubya of doing what Obama is doing, while he wasn't, and now are silent while Barack is doing those things).

Whether immigration reform is a good idea, or a bad idea, Obama doing it through unilateral action is unlawful, and should be throwing up red flags with people that this President so disdains the rule of law, that he will ignore the concept of separation of powers inherent in the United States Constitution, as detailed in the first sentence of each of the first three articles of that document.  And if this President is willing to illegally bypass Congress on an issue like immigration, what other issues will he be willing to circumvent Congress, and the Constitution, to get his way regarding, in the future?  Is that not tyrannical behavior?  Is that not the dangerous actions of an authoritarian ruler that our Founding Fathers designed our system to protect us against?

Immigration is a losing issue for the Democrats.  They are overextending themselves, tackling the issue in such a way that, though they believe they will inherit oodles and oodles of Hispanic votes for it, the majority of existing voters will turn away from them in anger.  However, that does not mean people will automatically turn to the GOP.  The Republicans have to go get those people abandoning Obama by "rejecting" all of Obama's illegal, leftist policies.  In many ways, the Republicans have been complicit with the Democrats in the handling of this issue, and if the Party of the Elephant even slightly compromises, and goes along with amnesty, or any version of a law that advances the illegal alien's push for legalization without using existing laws to pursue legalization, it will be suicide for the party.

The Democrats know that the issue is a dangerous one for Republicans, and that is why they are trying to bait the GOP into some kind of immigration reform law.  I know that in politics, on some issues, you give a little to get a little back.  This is not one of those issues.  The GOP has won a majority in both Houses in Congress, and the best thing for them to do is give the Democrats nothing on this issue, let Obama act unconstitutionally, and then nail him to the wall for his unconstitutional executive action because of the illegality of it.  Show everyone that Obama is a tyrant, and that the rule of law means nothing to him.  Doing so will set the table for the Republicans in 2016, so that they may retrieve those voters running from Obama as they realize the tyrannical nature of his presidency.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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