Thursday, November 06, 2014

Seeking Singularity

By Douglas V. Gibbs

“To erase the line between man and machine is to obscure the line between men and gods.” That ominous quote opens the teaser trailer for Ex Machina, a science-fiction thriller that explores the relationship between two computer programmers and an artificially intelligent life form.

The perfectibility of humanity is the religion of secularists, statists, and humanists.  Rebellion is in our Human Nature, and disobedience to God is the ultimate rebellion.  Rebellion in our current world has taken the evil of Babel to a whole new level, for the goal is not only to reach God, and defy God, but to become God - at which time humanity reaches the singularity where, rather than disproving God's existence, man kills God by replacing him.

The Master Race has determined that to reach singularity, all opposition must be eliminated.  The voice of Christianity must be ridiculed into silence through political correctness, and governmental legislative mandates.  The proponents of utopia label the followers of Christ as being insensitive or bigots, while infiltrating some of the Christian denominations, setting the different sects at war with each other by creating chaos and misinformation within their ranks.

Humanism promotes mankind over godliness. Their journey to become God is specifically designed to destroy God, a strategy that is nothing new, for the agenda began in a garden, orchestrated by a being that had taken the form of a serpent.

The Godly nature of the Founding Fathers make those brilliant men members of the enemy faction, according to the utopianists.  Democrats, convinced of the hard left liberal progressive agenda, use deconstructionism to achieve their ends.  To bring about singularity, which follows utopia, which is achieved (they believe) through instilling socialism and big government policies that place the all-knowing elite into a position of ruling power over the ignorant masses, the liberal left must deconstruct the history of the United States, and the validity of Christianity, if they are to fundamentally transform the United States into a socialist utopia where all you care about is the benevolence of the all-powerful State, and humanity reaching the level of gods. They must attack, and discredit, all of the traditional values that have made America great. The family unit is under assault, as is marriage, and the sanctity of life, itself. The Christian influence on this nation is being dismantled, and the people have been conditioned to see those important principles and philosophies as a threat to the future of America.

The unwillingness of Christians to back down regarding the senseless slaughter of the unborn is being spun as sexism. The unwillingness of Christians to back down regarding the sexually perverse behavior of homosexuality is being portrayed as being the same as racism. Christians, for being reluctant to turn their back on God on these issues, and to give in to immoral degradation, are being ostracized for their opinion, and the normalization of gay sexual behavior is being forced on society by government mandate. The re-education of America to accept sexual promiscuity, and perverse sexual behavior is being forced upon the children, mandated to be taught in public schools, and eventually to private school students, and home school students, so that eventually those that dare stand against the issue will eventually fade away, and the children will stand in the new camp, conditioned to hail the central government as the reigning king of kings.

It is all about disobedience to God, and the drive for singularity.

To be a God-fearing conservative is to be an enemy of the State.  The liberal left progressive Democrats will use the force of the law to target you and hunt you down. The statists are willing to utilize the IRS, Homeland Security, and any other tool available to them to single out their enemies, and punish them.

The first key is us to be willing to realize, and admit, the war exists in the first place.  Then, we must recognize the reality that this war is beyond flesh and blood.  Dark forces are systematically destroying America, and Christians are under fire for daring the sound the alarm. And if you have one foot planted in the world, you are complicit.

Free will allows for disobedience.  With freedom comes responsibility, and to hold on to liberty we must be vigilant, and virtuous.  Disobedience leads to consequences and adversity.  To seek the singularity is to live under the rule of man, and rejecting the rule of law.  In times of historical adversity, the rule of man has always turned out to be catastrophic.  The question is, are we willing to confront the forces that are determined to destroy what divine Providence inspired, or will we, through our complacency, let yet another great civilization crumble into history as yet another failure of humanity because the people in charge were encouraged to spit in God's Eye?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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