Monday, November 17, 2014

Homeland Security To Flood Ferguson, Missouri, With "Operatives" Ahead Of Darrin Wilson Grand Jury Decision

by JASmius

Nothing ominous about this bulletin, is there?  Just move along, people, move along:

Dozens of operatives have flooded the environs of Ferguson, Missouri as the country awaits the decision of a grand jury on whether or not Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson will be indicted for the “murder” of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

Dozens of cars, trucks, vans and other support vehicles from Obama’s DHS have been photographed in the small St. Louis suburb.

And why, pray tell, might that be?

The operatives are in Ferguson ahead of the release of the verdict by the grand jury because protesters have repeatedly threatened a full scale riot unless they get what they want.

That is their stated purpose.  Which doesn't state very much, does it?  Why would what's looking more and more like Barack Obama's promised "civilian national security force" be deployed, apparently undercover, into a deliberately Regime-stoked power keg right as it is about to detonate like a fifty megaton nuke?

First and foremost, the Feds have no jurisdiction in what is by definition a local law enforcement matter, and the latter are already on high alert against the promised Black Klan mob reaction if, as many expect, justice is done in the Michael Brown case and Officer Darrin Wilson is not indicted for the "crime" of having defended his own life against a higher-than-a-kite, NFL nose tackle-sized black "youth" who was trying to murder him.  Containing racist civil unrest in the wake of that grand jury decision is the job of Ferguson police and, if it proves necessary, the State of Missouri

Second, even if the Obama Regime had any constitutional business intervening in Ferguson, why do so surreptitiously?  Wouldn't the ostensible point of such a deployment be to make sure that they are seen doing so to provide as much of a deterrent effect as possible in order to short-circuit runaway violence?  So why is DHS really moving into Ferguson in force, overtly or covertly?  To "protect and to serve" the lives and property of the citizenry against "professional" rioters (which, again, is the job and jurisdiction of local and State law enforcement, not the Feds), or to "incite and inflame" a race war that they hope to spread across the country as (another) pretext for declaring martial law and providing an opening for The One's long-plotted anti-constitutional coup de tat?

Given that he met in secret with "black leaders" the day after the election and told them to "stay on course" and is now "flooding" Ferguson with DHS "operatives" on the one hand and fleets of "DHS Police"- emblazoned vehicles on the other, that all adds up to a sinister equation, at least in my fertile corpus callosum.

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