Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Muslim Whistleblower: Alton Nolen's Mosque Taught Hatred

by JASmius

Or, in other words, Alton Nolen - aka his preferred nom de guerre, Jah'Keem Yisrael - attended a Muslim mosque:

A member of the mosque where Oklahoma beheading suspect Alton Nolen worshiped says his fellow Muslims there preached violence, hatred and support for groups like Hamas.

"[What was] talked about was the choice offered to all non-Muslims at one point or another that you're going to have to either convert [or] live under Islamic rule … and live in submission to an Islamic State or caliphate," the member, who calls himself "Noor," said Tuesday on "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"And the last choice that you have if you reject those two … is jihad."

Really?  You don't say.  My stars and garters, that's terrible.  I never would have guessed in a million years that a Muslim mosque would preached intolerance and hatred and mass murder and....what was that catch-all phrase again?  Jihad.  Is this sort of thing common, or was Nolen-cum-Yisrael's "congregation" just some lone "extremists"?  I mean, after all, Islam is the religion of peace, right?  No religion condones mass murder, right?  Right?  I mean, presidents keep telling us so, and presidents never lie, do they?

Do they?

"[There was] an open support for Hamas and other groups that supported suicide bombings in Israel," he said.

"I was told by two mosque members that if Osama Bin Laden came to their door they would invite him in and would protect him from law enforcement because he's a Muslim brother and we have to protect him from the unbelievers."

Hmmm; ever wondered how many mosques there are in the U.S.?  According to a USA Today piece from a couple of years ago, there are 2,106 that we know of.  Which means at least 2,106 jihadist safe houses, at least 2,106 ammunition dumps, at least 2,106 WMD laboratories, at least 2,106 terrorist training facilities....the appalling possibilities do appear to go on and on and on, don't they?  Then, when you figure in the fact that the First Amendment's religious liberties clause applies strictly to Islam but not to Judaism or Christianity, things really start to get alarming "interesting".

The Nazis and communists definitely erred by laughing at and persecuting "religion" instead of cloaking their canine selves in cervine clothing.  Saul Alinsky would never have made that mistake.

"I asked him about terrorist acts in Iraq like beheadings and suicide bombings and … he said, this is perfectly fine because this is a Muslim country and we have to do everything we can to get the crusaders out of Muslim land."

"This is a Muslim country" as in Iraq, or "This is a Muslim country" as in Obamerikastan?  Trick question - the answer to both questions is "yes," as far as "Alton Nolen's" Muslim "brothers" are concerned.

Can't for the life of, let me start that again; I am unable to imagine how Mr. "Nolen" could possibly have acquired the idea of decapitation as a "workplace violence" technique, could you?

Next thing you know, he'll be showing up in an ISIS recruitment video:

The Federal Bureau of Investigation wants the public's help in identifying a merciless masked militant with a "North American accent" who appears to help execute Syrian soldiers in a barbaric Islamic State group (ISIS) recruitment video.

Well, I'm no expert on these things, but let me think....

1) He isn't showing his face, which, for a warrior, is dishonorable, so we know he isn't Klingon.

2) His complexion pretty clearly indicates that he's "African-North American," which means if he were ever captured, Eric "The Red" Holder or his successor would never prosecute him, and he would be free to "evangelize" the Black Panthers.

3) He's Muslim.

Based on these criteria, my guesses would be....

1) O.J. Simpson (no joke; the joke is who converted him).

2) Anybody on the escaped black inmate list of any U.S. penitentiary.

3) Any Black Panther.

4) "Alton Nolen".  Which would be awfully convenient since he's (allegedly) already in custody.

If none of those answers floats the FBI's dhow, they could always start staking out mosques.  I'd wager the families of Colleen Hufford and Traci Johnson would have appreciated such an "Islamophobic" gesture.

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