Saturday, October 11, 2014

Are Stocks Threatening Great Depression Crash?

By Douglas V. Gibbs

We've written about this a number of times.  The market is being held up artificially, and eventually, what goes up, must come down. . . despite all of the artificial supports.

Corporate deals and artificial manipulation of the Stock Market has created a boom for the Wall Street bankers, and the Obama administration has been doing what they can to make sure their supporters continue to make bundles of cash at the Wall Street casino.  The Stock Market has been interesting, with record breaking highs, and now some scary dips.  What was a little too good to be true may be ready to crash back down to the reality that manipulating the market cannot go on forever.

Recent Stock Market activity has been similar to the activities in the market just before the 1929 Stock Market Crash.  Does that mean a 1929 crash is around the corner?

I believe a crash is coming, but it is possible that the crash we are in for will make the one that caused the Great Depression look like child's play.

When a market is being artificially supported by bond buying and the printing of fiat money, and federal borrowing begins reaching the heights of many trillions of dollars, the reality is that all of it is unsustainable.  The only result of such a scenario in the end is a crash.  The reality is, the whole thing is going to come tumbling down. It is not a question of if, but a matter of when.

Meanwhile, China and Russia are doing what they can to relieve the United States of the honor of printing the world's reserve currency.  If that happens, the crash will be the least of our worries.

Wheelbarrow loads of cash for a loaf of bread will be more than a story from a century past.

The leftists are doing what they can to hide the warning signs, and maybe they have bought into their own B.S.

Once they lose control, and reality strikes, we will fall hard, fast, and bloody.

Then, America will drop into a chasm so deep that. . . 

Well, until the federal government cuts spending, and disassociates itself with issues it does not have the authority over, cuts taxes, and becomes the limited entity it was constitutionally originally designed to be, we will continue to flounder economically, and be at the mercy of an ever-expanding federal government. . . that could become even more centralized than it is now, and ultimately could become tyrannical.

The line in the sand is here and now. The future of this nation depends on it being turned around immediately.  I get it.  We can't flip a switch to make it all better, but refusing to take action will just make the fall harder, longer, and more devastating.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The line in the sand is here and now. The future of this nation depends on it being turned around immediately. I get it. We can't flip a switch to make it all better, but refusing to take action will just make the fall harder, longer, and more devastating."

The people we call politicians won't do a thing to help out and we the people are powerless to make a change.

Thus, the fall will be harder than it needs to be, etc...