Thursday, September 18, 2014

What is a Republic Review?

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Americans know that the United States is in a mess.  The Constitution is the solution to turn it all around, and in their gut Americans know that a return to the principles of the Constitution is necessary to turn the ship around.  We are pointed in the wrong direction, and we are listing, so whatever we do, we need to act fast.

Twenty-eight States challenged the Affordable Care Act, and the case went through the federal courts, and eventually was heard by the Supreme Court of the United States.  On the verge of victory over the liberal left power grab, Chief Justice Roberts stunned both sides of the political spectrum when he decided to rule that Obamacare is not only constitutional, but (contradictory to the Obama administration's narrative) it is constitutional because the monetary penalty regarding the mandate to buy insurance is a tax.

The States challenged the federal government with a lawsuit that went through the federal courts with federal judges paid by federal funding. . . how did they think it was going to turn out?

The dynamics of our government have been flipped upside down, backwards, and inside out.  The only way to take this country back is for the people to do it themselves through the processes established by the Constitution, and understood through the Rule of Law.  But if we are not organized, how can it be possible for us to accomplish such a task?

During the struggle for independence, the people stood up to the King of England with a Declaration of Independence that exclaimed the people of the united States of America ("u" in united is lowercase on purpose - see the Declaration of Independence to figure out way) had the right to alter, or abolish, their government should it be a tyranny.  After protests and rallies erupted throughout the colonies, war broke out, and a bloody revolution sent the British home running back to Boston Town, and eventually back across the Atlantic Ocean to Mother England.  In 1787, the people, through their States, took matters into their own hands, again.  Delegates from twelve States devised the Constitution of the United States, establishing a new government based on limiting principles, and a system of the rule of law based on the self-evident philosophies of Natural Law of Nature's God.

Tyranny is upon us again, but instead of materializing in the form of Red Coats, the enemy has infiltrated our system and has emerged as a domestic enemy, killing the American System from within.  The President of the United States spoke to the American People, and said to our faces that he planned to fundamentally transform the United States.  Barack Obama's transformation is not only a system that is in direct opposition of what the Founding Fathers created, but his is the exact kind of system the Constitution was written to protect us from.

With freedom comes responsibility.

We have been convinced from the cradle that the Constitution says things different than what was intended.  The liberal left has conditioned us to agree with them, to believe the Constitution is a living and breathing document that changes at the will of the liberal left political leaders, the rulings of judges, and the whims of the society as we turn our backs on set standards that have made this country politically, and morally, exceptional.  Those myths have convinced us to raise the crimson flag of socialism ourselves, and to turn our backs on the framers, as we call them antiquated, and out of touch, in our modern society.

Liberty does not go out of style.  The essence of liberty is limited government.  The issues we face are not about immigration, reproduction, marriage, health care, guns, free speech, or security from terrorism.  Each of those issues, once one breaks the whole argument down, are about one thing. . . if the federal government has the authority to force its collectivist agenda down the throats of the people.  The Leftist goal is to eliminate individualism, and to change this country from being individual-centric to collectivism-centric.  The liberal left Democrats want to use government to micromanage our lives, and force the central government into local issues that should only be handled by local government.

So, how do we stop it?

Through the United States Constitution, the framers gave us five tools to fight the onslaught we now face.

1. Peaceful Revolution, such as the TEA Party, the Murrieta Immigration Protests, and other protests and rallies we see forming across this great nation.  These demonstrations are simply manifestations of what the framers provided for us in the First Amendment, where the Constitution prohibits the government from making a law prohibiting the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

2. Bloody Revolution, a tool the founders reluctantly pursued, but available even to us in today's political environment should the government do what the Red Coats did, and use their arms against the people of the United States of America.  The Second Amendment was written with this tool in mind, because the right to keep and bear arms is necessary to the security of a free State (California, Virginia, Massachusetts, Washington, Illinois. . . ) against the rise of a tyrannical central government.  The Founding Fathers did not prefer to use this tool for freedom, and in fact originally appealed to the King as peaceful Englishmen, but the tool was used because it was necessary.  Necessary to the security of our freedom when the British attempted to take away the colonist's ability to defend themselves.  A last resort, but a tool available to us, no less.

3.  Nullification, because the final arbiters of the United States Constitution are We the People, through our States.  The States created the federal government, and granted some of their authorities to the federal government, so that it may function in the manner it was designed to function, making the States the parents of a disobedient child that is running amok.  Yet, we have fallen for the propaganda that the courts, which belong to the federal government, are the final decision-makers regarding what is, or isn't, constitutional.  Thomas Jefferson, in his draft of the Kentucky Resolutions, stated that the States have a right to nullify unconstitutional law, because laws in place under federal authority that do not fall under the authorizations vested in the federal government by the United States Constitution are null and void, and States cannot be required to implement illegal law.  State refusal to implement, or follow, unconstitutional federal law is called nullification, and a tool the founders gave to us to fight tyranny.  However, a State utilizing nullification alone is a rocky road, and a perilous endeavor.  States, when they work together, are stronger, and more effective in their fight against an unconstitutional federal government.

4.  Secession, or at least the threat of secession.  Membership to the union is voluntary.  The Constitution is a social contract, and if the federal government breaches that contract, the States have a right to get out of the contract.  Though a frightening proposition, for any discussion of secession brings to mind the horrific result of over 600,000 dead because of the American Civil War, the concept is a viable tool for getting the American System back on track.  The very threat of losing the tax dollars, resources, and productivity a State would send a strong message to the federal government that corrective measures are needed, and that those corrective measures are absolutely necessary.

5.  Convention, of which there are three possibilities.  A Con-Con is a constitutional convention. There has been one convention of that type in the history of the United States, in 1787, and that should be the only Con-Con we ought to ever have as a country.  A constitutional convention could end up rewriting the United States Constitution, and that is a dangerous proposition.  The second kind of convention is the Article V. Convention, a process through which the States could hold a convention to propose amendments to the Constitution, which would still be required to be ratified by three-quarters of the State legislatures in order to become a part of the supreme law of the land.  The concerns over this kind of convention is the threat of it becoming no different than a Con-Con, where a runaway convention compromises the principles of the Constitution.  The reality is that we have an over-abundance of uninformed members of the population, and a political class bent on doing whatever it takes to grab more power and wealth.  How can we have a successful convention of any kind if we don't have informed constitutionalists orchestrating the agenda of the delegations?

The third kind of convention is the first step we need to take before embarking on all of the tools given to us.  Revolution, nullification, or an Article V. Convention won't work if they are pursued in a half-hazard manner, without organization, and a central constitutional organization steering the negotiations.

A Republic Review is an audit of the Federal Government.  The concept uses the protocols established by Article V. in the U.S. Constitution, which outlines the Amendment Process.  If it takes three-quarters of the States to ratify an amendment that would grant to the federal government a new federal power, then wouldn't it only take a quarter (plus one) of the States to reject a seized authority and for it to be considered unconstitutional?  If, in a convention, the States come to the conclusion that a particular power is unconstitutional, now that they've joined together to come to that conclusion, the States could work together to nullify, or at least have a controlled and reasonable Article V. Convention to pass amendment proposals to directly attack unconstitutional federal actions.  Strength in numbers.

The Republic Review, however, is not a Convention of States in the manner that we are beginning to hear about.  A Republic Review is one that begins through the people, not the State legislatures.  To do this, it takes a grassroots effort with some sort of organization, a ground game that is established, and orchestrated, by a trusted association.  In Southern California, the Constitution Association seeks to be the group that will begin the process, to help organize groups in the various States, and guide them towards a successful convention.

Then, once we are organized, working together, and catching the attention of the State leadership, we can be the ignition switch behind a movement to turn this nation around, and get the States to work together in unison against a tyrannical federal government.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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