Saturday, September 13, 2014

Pope Francis: World War III Has Already Begun

by JASmius

A leftwing Pope makes a rightwing observation:

Pope Francis said on Saturday the spate of conflicts around the globe today were effectively a "piecemeal" Third World War, condemning the arms trade and "plotters of terrorism" sowing death and destruction.

Okay, one out of two isn't bad....

"Humanity needs to weep and this is the time to weep," Francis said in the homily of a Mass during a visit to Italy's largest war memorial, a large, Fascist-era monument where more than 100,000 soldiers who died in World War One are buried....

"War is madness," he said in his homily before the massive, sloping granite memorial, made of 22 steps on the side of hill with three crosses at the top.
"Even today, after the second failure of another world war, perhaps one can speak of a third war, one fought piecemeal, with crimes, massacres, destruction," he said.

No, Francis, "war" is not madness, aggression is madness.  And then only if it is heedlessly launched against the firm, resolute, deterrent resistance of a powerful adversary committed to stopping it.  In a world like that of 2014 Anno Domini, where there is no such powerful adversary to firmly, resolutely deter would-be aggressors, war is not only not "madness," it is in fact entirely sane and even rational.

In the past few months, Francis has made repeated appeals for an end to conflicts in Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, Gaza and parts of Africa.

Aaaaaaaaand how has that turned out, your Popeiness?  But at least you recognize that the world is going to hell, unlike the demigod primarily responsible for it.

I can only close with a quote another Marxist dictator, Josef Stalin, leveled at one of your predecessors, Pius XII: "How many divisions does the Pope have?"  Put another way, once one recognizes that the world is dissolving into chaos and conflict, and "appeals" aren't slowing it down, what does one do then?  Tee off?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, let the Pope call for a holy war, that should help the cause. Oh and by the way, how many divisions does the Soviet Union have today? Oh, that's right... NONE! The Catholic Church buried another empire, just as it has for 2000 years. You still don't see the big picture do you?