Saturday, September 20, 2014

American Daily Review: Interesting Times

Saturday, September 20, 2014 at Noon Pacific/3:00 pm Eastern

Hosts: JASmius and Douglas V. Gibbs

Scottish independence fails by a narrow margin, Braveheart inconsolable; Democrats don't want another war, but they do want us to know they stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night; Why not disincentivize corporate tax inversion instead of driving them deeper "underground"?; As Ebola overruns Sierra Leone and Guinea, Obama mobilizes his military machine to come down with it and bring it over here - and tuberculosis, too; "The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming"; The House Select Benghazi Archeological Committee finally convenes; Democrats intensify the war against their REAL enemies; Has Debbie Wasserman-Schlutz finally worn out her welcome at the DNC?; The Dems' kabuki street theater of "hiding from Obama"; and the growing Islamic Caliphate Includes America.

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