Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Stock Crash In 2016

by JASmius

Wow, how completely coincidental:

A stock market crash will hit again, and it could well be in 2016 regardless of who is elected president, says MarketWatch columnist Paul Farrell.

Because after another economic collapse, whoever is elected president will never be allowed to take office anyway.

"Hillary [Clinton]? Jeb [Bush]? Chris [Christie]? Doesn’t matter," he writes. "Markets don’t care who wins. Big crashes happen, about every eight years. Everybody knows it."

Everybody also knows none of those three people will even win their party's nominations.  Even if they won't admit it.

Federal Reserve stimulus was the most important cause of the 2000 and 2008 stock market crashes, Farrell says. And now the Fed has eased big-time again.

Because that's the Fed's job.  Just ask Ron Paul.

"The Fed kept the bull roaring," Farrell writes.

Farrell left out a suffix in that sentence.  Somewhere.

"Fed chairs since Greenspan took charge. Their egos inflated. They got arrogant, screwed up the game, kept flooding the markets with cheap paper money."

Because everybody who has ever taken the helm of the Federal Reserve has invariably been a million times as humble as thou art.  Oops, sorry, I meant "trillion".

So what will the result be? "The game is destined to end in a new big bang, bigger than 2000 and 2008 combined," he says.

"How big a drop? Truth is, nobody really knows. . . . We know it’ll be trillions again. But right now, nobody cares."

Last word goes to Yoda....

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