Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hillary Calls Obama To Clarify Syria Remarks

by JASmius

No word yet on specifically what she called him, but it's looking like "sir":

After calling President Barack Obama on Tuesday to clarify controversial remarks she made about his foreign policy, former [Commissar] of State Hillary Clinton looks to mend fences further when the two meet Wednesday at a party on Martha's Vineyard.

A Clinton spokesman said she plans on "hugging it out" with Obama when she sees him, and played down the significance of comments made in an interview with the Atlantic magazine in which she suggested she disagreed with the president's international strategy."

Earlier today, the secretary called President Obama to make sure he knows that nothing she said was an attempt to attack him, his policies, or his leadership," the spokesman, Nick Merrill, said in a written statement, according to the Associated Press.

"Some are now choosing to hype [the] differences but they do not eclipse their broad agreement on most issues. Like any two friends who have to deal with the public eye, she looks forward to hugging it out when they see each other tomorrow night."

Oh, perish the thought, Empress.  Why would anybody take "Great nations need organizing principles, and 'don't do stupid s[tuff]' is not an organizing principle," as a personal attack?  Besides, given that you were his foreign ministress for the bulk of his tenure in power thus far, you had the proverbial three fingers pointing back at yourself, right?  And that doesn't include the stupid s[tuff] you said about, in effect, arming ISIS (even more than O has already) and blundering into a war with Iran on their terms you belched in that very Atlantic interview already.

No, gentles, this trip to the woodshed is all about two words: Elizabeth Warren.  Hillary! knows she can't beat the Massachusetts Communist senator for the 2016 Democrat nomination, she knows that Obamanation hates La Clinton Nostra in general, she knows that O specifically favors Senator Warren over her upside-down legs, and she knows damn well that, as rich as Clinton, Inc. is, she is over-matched financially against any Obama-backed candidate.  Fauxcahontas is Hillary! circa 1994, all the undiminished radicalism and none of the "corporate/Wall Street" taint and philandering husband baggage and all the other "compromises" she's had to make over the past twenty-plus years.  Or, to invoke the obvious 2004 parallel I've used previously, Hillary! is John Kerry and Warren is Howard Dean.  Ten years ago the Donk base - barely - eschewed their heart (Dr. Demented) for their brain (Lurch), and what did it get them?  Never mind that the true answer to that question was, "ten percentage points closer to Dubya than Dean would have scored"; besides, after Obama the nutroots think they're invincible.  And they will be, once their demigod decrees himself a lifetime term.  Political immortality certainly won't come from The Liz.

But she'll come a lot closer than Mrs. Clinton ever will, which is why the Empress must bow, curtsey, genuflect, and otherwise humiliate herself by rolling out the prayer rug at Martha's Vineyard tonight.  And the best part is, it's a futile endeavor, and everybody, most especially Hillary!, knows it.

For her sake, I hope she wears a burqa.

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