Thursday, August 07, 2014

Ebola Virus Could Be Used For Terrorism

by JASmius

Gee, ya think?  And Dr. Ben Carson, reveling in the freedom that having zero chance of ever becoming POTUS affords him, boldly and publicly pointed it out yesterday:

Dr. Ben Carson says he fears Ebola could be used for biological terrorism.

That's one reason he has said the two medical missionaries who contracted the virus in Africa should have stayed there for treatment until they were no longer contagious, he said Wednesday on Fox News Channel's "Your World with Neil Cavuto."

Ebola is spread through contact with bodily fluids and not through air particles.

That's actually not true.  It can be transmitted in aerosol form, from a sneeze, a cough, even the microscopic droplets spewed forth during ordinary conversation.  The worst thing that can be done when facing a possible pandemic is underestimating the communicability of the contagion.  Which, naturally, helps explain why the Obama Regime is working so hard to downplay this Ebola strain's communicability (even as O has signed an executive decree empowering himself to arrest any American citizen who even displays the mildest symptoms of "respiratory illness") - and why they imported it into the country with the two medical missionaries: so that it could be spread to the general population at large.

Sound harsh?  Crazy?  Paranoid?  Once again, we find ourselves in the place where there are potentialities you wouldn't ordinarily credit, notions you wouldn't typically take seriously, but which the circumstances inexorably, oppressively suggest.

Take this Obama minion's pooh-poohing of Dr. Carson's warnings, for example:

Former Deputy [Commissar] of Health and Human Services Tevi Troy told Newsmax TV that while it's not impossible that Ebola could be used for terrorism, it isn't likely.

"However, there is no evidence that that has happened at this point, and furthermore, it is very difficult to do that," Troy said.

It's "unlikely" that Ebola could be used for bioterrorism because "there is no evidence that that has happened at this point."  Gosh, that's reassuring.  I feel so much better now, I think I'll go for a skip.

And then trip, fall on my face, and jaggedly and painfully serrate several of my teeth once the Regime brainwashing attempt fails to take hold and I recall that that isn't how pandemics work.  In the first stages of an outbreak, there's never any evidence that it's happening.  "Patient Zero," remember?  It takes a while for that evidence to emerge, and by that time, the pandemic is already up and running, the hospitals, and then morgues, are overflowing, the panic is spreading, the societal breakdown is beginning.  When did it emerge that Ebola was raging across West Africa?  From the very first viral transmission, or after hundreds of people had drowned in their own blood?

And that brings us to the Obama Regime's trademark "anti-transparency":

At least six people have been tested for Ebola in the United States in recent days. One in Ohio came back negative, and on Wednesday lab results for a patient at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City also came back negative.

The locations of the rest have not been released, and Carson was critical of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for what he believes is favoring privacy of patients over the public's right to know.

Carson said he is a strong proponent of privacy, but added, "you can certainly reveal 'a patient' has been tested and is negative to allay hysteria."

"At least" six people have been tested for Ebola in the U.S.  Suggesting that the number could be much higher.  And of the six to which the "authorities" have admitted, they've only disclosed the results of two of them.  What about the other four (or more)?  Does not logic suggest that if these others had also tested negative for this hemorrhagic pestilence, the Regime would want to trumpet that to the heavens?  Hell, they did so with the first two, right?

So what does that suggest?  That the others have tested positive and are dying horribly as we speak.  Or have already.  And the Regime doesn't want the public to know.  Yet.  Because, remember, they imported the disease here, both with the two medical missionaries, and perhaps in the illegal alien invasion of the American Southwest.  Recall the armed guards at the Regime's "wetback warehouses" that wouldn't even allow congresspeople ingress to inspect conditions firsthand.  Either they were being paranoid or they have something to hide until the Biggest Exploitable Crisis Yet is ready for public unveiling.

Or perhaps the White House is just stoking public hysteria as a midterm electioneering tactic.  Which would be a herculean task, even for a demigod, given the somnolent collective intellect of the American people in The Age Of The One.

Or maybe they want to be certain that their experimental Ebola serum works.  Which, oddly enough, they refuse to release to the general public.

You know the old Garakian saying: "It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you."

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