Friday, July 04, 2014

Voters Call Obama Worst President Ever

by JASmius

....for all intents and purposes, because most voters don't know any president before Bill Clinton, much less going back seventy years, as the Quinnipiac poll ostensibly did, much less back to 1789, or they wouldn't have been noodle-headed enough to both elect and re-elect King Hussein.  Don't believe me?  Ask the average American voter about Franklin Pierce; s/he will reply with something like, "Oh, wasn't he the guy on M*A*S*H?"

Or am I dating myself with that reference?  How about asking the average American voter about James Buchanan, and s/he will reply with something like, "Oh, was that Pat's brother?"

No, that would be too high a level of political knowledge for the typical mall-walking zombie.  Let's try this: Ask the average American voter about James Monroe, and s/he will reply with something like, "Oh, you must mean Marilyn's brother, right?"

No, dammit, I'm dating myself again.  And that didn't work so well in high school, let me tell you, mainly because I kept standing myself up.  But there's never been any president named "Kardashian".....

A new poll shows that voters think President Obama is the worst President since World War 2! Find out what else the poll reveals. If you use Facebook, you may have been part of a study without even knowing it! A cheerleader's controversial hobby has resulted in a big backlash. Plus, the picks for Hero or Zero of the week. Michelle Fields and Tammy Bruce join host John Phillips to discuss these stories and more on this episode of The Rundown

The only way in which this Q poll "damages" The One is by clubbing his ego square in the crotch.  Which is probably manifested in the official kickoff of his coup de tat this week.  But it does not affect his power one whit, jot, tittle, or "smidgen" because his power does not derive from anybody's consent.  It's supposed to, but it doesn't.  And it remains, and ever shall be, total.

As Maximum Leader is probably already sneering, "Poll that, beeyatches!"

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